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Holi – Festival of Colours

 “Which is your favourite colour, mumma? She asked
“Colour of Joy” she replied  
Puzzled she asked again “where can I see it?”
Bringing her favourite food she said “right on your face..”.
Holi Haiiiii

           Known as the festival of colours it is a vibrant and full of life celebration where we drench others in lively hues. Famous in India as ‘Holi’, this boisterous jamboree is played to welcome the beginning of spring season. ‘Holika’ the bonfire signifies the good over evil is an annual affair carried out the night before Holi. All in all, the festival is a gala fun and frolic with water and colours which ends with everyone happily drinking bhang. 

           We at Manoj Ornaments display our best of cheerful spirits with the range of jewellery to match the Holi spirit. Taking inspiration from fun with hues, we design ornaments and jewellery to suit all the ages. A look at the enamelled Jewellery will take you into the vivacious world of colours. Right from earring set to delicate pendants choose the one that suits your mood.

           If pink thrills you, then blue can be fun-fill, a touch of sapphire or maybe a ruby would make you a newbie....pair your feeling with the season and say ‘hello to yellow ’, while black is power, red and white colour are potent hues too. Get into the Holi mood; look your best in Green, the colour of nature and abundance.

Enamel can be made in any colour. The hardest colour is bright red. It is a task to hit the 
right note of red colour. 
           Gold has been used traditionally for Meenakari jewellery as it holds the enamel better and it lasts longer. Moreover, its lustrous sheen complements and brings out the colours of enamels. 

 Feel the Holi fever and let go of the checks, buy yourself a gift of ornament...enjoy this                         season as you would with all the zeal and passion.